Thursday, June 27, 2024

Sampling of SITH stories

Some examples from YouTube:

Dan Vogel -  

John Dehlin -       

Sandra Tanner -   

The Seer Stone and Spectacles Cover-Up: 1826-2022 (this one goes on for nine hours)

SITH on Mormon Stories - Martin Lock

Martin Lock, a former temple sealer and Temple presidency counselor, explains that SITH was at the top of his list of problems:


Dehlin: you were reading go read to the list 

Lock: well uh Joseph Smith and the peep Stone 

Dehlin: oh okay what about it that's a big one


That is a stone in the Hat I said to a brother in the ward recently, I said don't look out the window don't look at your shoes look at me. You're concerned about my truth crisis. I want to tell you just one thing. Can you tell me how the book of Mormon was translated, by the the witness statements. Tell me what your version is. Yeah quite easy, sir. Joseph sat at a table, um a screen between him him and one of the scribes. 

2:45:49 that's a bit unusual term you know, quite unusual that um 

Dehlin: can't see him 

Lock: I found that really weird and then he said yeah and then the plates were on the table and he pursued the


plates and did the translation ah so you've never heard about the rock in the Hat. He went rock in the hat, what was that about then? 

This is a man been in the church 40 years.

 I never heard about it until two and a half years ago.

Dehlin: in your 70s 

Lock: in my 70s. A rock in a hat for goodness sake what we what are we talking about here? Black magic? occult?

so I got into that. I learned about that. I read all the witness statements. Emma Smith, well I moved the plates but I never saw them. She saw them. She lifted that cloth. She's not an idiot or a fool.

But she lied for her husband all the time. They're both good liars actually. 

Dehlin: she denied later after he died that he had ever practiced polygamy. 

Lock: Of course he did. Book of Mormon translation.

Dehlin: what about it 

Lock: 19th century Evangelical novel, what was going on in his time frame, um the Gadianton robbers well that's about Mason secret combinations. I don't know what they're going to handle in Sunday school when they come to that one but they put a spin on it. Great and abominable Church um the uh the black skin of the


American Indians well you know uh they didn't have didn't have the materials to build a temple like Solomon but the verse before says but we had Gold Silver and precious metal steel and iron but they didn't have the materials to build it like Solomon's Temple can't get me head around that one. um


uh the the conversion of Alma in there well it goes on the plagiarism and anachronisms anachronisms 

Dehlin: Why are Native Americans before Jesus's birth Christian like that's just a basic problem with the book of Mormon.

Lock: that came up to me time and time again I thought how can they have the word Jesus in Old Testament time frame it's a Greek word of Christos they didn't have the Greek language there they should have about Hebrew anyway not reformed Egyptian um that doesn't exist.

Book of Abraham another one wow that was a biggie now I


joined the church in 67 when all that was going on but did I hear of it in Bristol? Not a Dicky bird nothing um so book of Abraham big one um restoration of priesthood retrofitting in. Of course David Whitmer never knew a thing about priesthood in 1834.

Dehlin: That Melchizedek Priesthood stuff that Joseph's claiming, that that never happened and that's one of the three Witnesses of the Book of Mormon.

Lock:  yeah yeah well people don't know all the stories of the three Witnesses unfortunately yeah if you read your history you can find out about it.


Lock: the great story of the Norville Expositor

Dumb politicians, or dumb voters?

The idiocy shown in this video compares with the crazy SITH-promoting videos on YouTube. The question is are the politicians really this dum...