Wednesday, September 18, 2024

SITH sayers omit testimony of U&T

The website "witnesses of the book of Mormon" ( is produced by the Interpreter Foundation and lists FAIRLDS and Scripture Central as "contributors."

Of course, all three of those organizations are SITH sayers, meaning they teach people to reject what Joseph and Oliver said about the translation because they want people to accept the SITH statements in Mormonism Unvailed, by David Whitmer, and the dubious "Last Testimony of Sister Emma." 

They have a page on John Whitmer that collects his known statements.

However, they omitted John Whitmer's statement about the plates and the translation that he gave during an interview with Zenas Gurley.

The speaker visited John Whitmer at Far West a few years ago. He is now dead; was then seventy years old. [John Whitmer died at Far West, Mo., on July 11, 1878.] He had seen the plates; and it was his especial pride and joy that he had written sixty [sixteen?] pages of the Book of Mormon. His neighbors all gave him a good character. He left the Church in 1837 or 1838, because of tendencies he could not approve; but had always remained true to the faith. When the work of translation was going on he sat at one table with his writing material and Joseph at another with the breast-plate and Urim and Thummim. The latter were attached to the breast-plate and were two crystals or glasses, into which he looked and saw the words of the book. The words remained in sight till correctly written, and mistakes of the scribe in spelling the names were corrected by the seer without diverting his gaze from the Urim and Thummim.”[1]

Fortunately, we're not required to accept the theories of the SITH sayers. We can all read the original, published testimonies from Joseph and Oliver about the translation, in which they taught that Joseph translated the plates with the Urim and Thummim that came with the plates.

Now we can also see that John Whitmer, despite his problems with the Church, retained his testimony that corroborated and validated what Joseph and Oliver always said about the translation.

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Dumb politicians, or dumb voters?

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