Thursday, July 18, 2024

"Moroni" and Mary Whitmer

The wonderful painting that depicts Mary Whitmer seeing the plates has long been mislabeled.

The M2C/SITH sayers want everyone to believe it was a shape-shifting Moroni who showed Mary the plates, but David Whitmer explained that Joseph Smith told him it was one of the Three Nephites. This was the same messenger to whom Joseph gave the abridged plates before leaving Harmony and who was going to Cumorah before bringing the plates of Nephi to Fayette for Joseph to translated, pursuant to D&C 10.

Mary herself said he identified himself as "Brother Nephi."

It was Andrew Jensen, who compiled Church history, who claimed Mary was mistaken because it was Moroni who showed her the plates, and his imaginary narrative suited the purposes of the M2Cers who claim the "real Cumorah/Ramah" is somewhere in southern Mexico, not in Cumorah. The M2Cers claim the prophets were wrong about Cumorah because the New York Cumorah/Ramah contradicts the M2C interpretation of the Book of Mormon.

To commemorate the M2C/SITH sayers' narrative, we've commissioned an edit:

Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Haleigh Everts: Former influencer falls for SITH

Another one on Mormon Stories, where John Dehlin promotes SITH.

Clip from Mormon Stories 1434: Mormon Influencer Discovers the CES Letter - Haleigh Everts


Being lied to as a convert about Joseph Smith and the Book of Mormon

Dumb politicians, or dumb voters?

The idiocy shown in this video compares with the crazy SITH-promoting videos on YouTube. The question is are the politicians really this dum...